Published: 14 April 2021

Theme Park’s Energy Centre Building is Erected – Energy Revolution™

Steel Framework Assembled to House Energy Centre Equipment

A bespoke building is being assembled to house the 6 interconnected 50kW G-GEN™ combined heat and power (CHP) engines along with their control units and buffer tanks. The building will provide security and protection from the elements and will additionally contribute to the suppression of sound. Each energy class A++ CHP engine is integrally fitted with sound suppression panels creating a fully enclosed acoustic chamber limiting sound to approx 55 dB which will be further suppressed by the substantial steel structure.

Generating power off-grid, the energy centre will provide crucial power into the main theme park, reducing the parks demand for mains grid power, and considerably lowering the sites carbon emissions.

The energy centre consists of on-site power generation, a small district heating system and electric vehicle charging stations across the site which are powered by 6 interconnected 50kW G-GEN™ engines.