Published: 6 January 2021

National Grid forecasts tight electricity margins for Britain

The National Grid ESO has issued an electricity margin notice as tight demand is predicted for Britain this afternoon and this evening.

The electricity system operator announced on Twitter there is an expected shortfall of 584 Mega Watts between 4pm and 7pm on the 6th January.

The shortfall on the electricity system is due to colder temperatures, renewable output levels and the availability of generators over periods with higher demand.

“An electricity margin notice is used to send a signal to the electricity market. It highlights that, in the short-term, we would like a greater safety cushion (margin) between power demand and available supply,” National Grid said.

“It does not signal that blackouts are imminent or that there is not enough generation to meet current demand.”

A fantastic way to reduce the number of energy margin notices is to switch to localised energy generation through The Energy Revolution