G-FUND™ Funding Innovation For Energy

Capital cost avoidance with guaranteed sustainable savings

G-FUND™ releases organisations from their financial constraints to realise their environmental and energy efficiency aspirations. G-FUND™ enables fully commissioned energy projects with no up-front capex payments for the client, and reduces opex with performance-based terms under a service agreement.

• No risk to client – all associated risk
(construction, commissioning and operating) assumed by us.
• Financial cost certainty
• Risk transfer
• Reduction in operating costs
• Environmental greenhouse gas emission reductions
• Best in class technology from world’s leading suppliers.
• Highest standard of reliability and resilience

G-FUND™ provides:

• Guaranteed savings
• Pay-as-you-SAVE billing with our Energy Savings Agreement.
• You never pay more than you save
• Transparent carbon and monetary savings.

Our Energy Savings Agreement (ESA) underwrites the delivery of energy savings to your business, providing long-term budget certainty which is RPI linked. Under the ESA we install leading technologies and equipment which are fully optimised to achieve the greatest generation of measured and verifiable savings.

The Energy Revolution™ is backed by SEEIT one of Europe’s largest Energy Investment Institutions.


Reducing energy demand, boost cost savings and provide environmental and infrastructure improvements . 

• Off-balance sheet solutions

• Lower energy, operation and maintenance costs

• Energy infrastructure upgrades

• Specialist deal structuring and legal contracting

• Medium to long term investment and contracts

• Increased property value

• No upfront capital investment for the host company

• Risk transfer during installation and operation

• State of the art technology and services

• Performance contracts based on energy saving or output

• Market standards for availability, performance and maintenance