Published: 9 March 2022

The Energy Centre – Sneak Preview

As the mechanical build of the Energy Centre is nearing completion, we would like to give you a sneak preview of the installation of our Energy Revolution’s low-carbon and cost reduction equipment.

The above image shows the bank of 6x 50kW G-GEN™ Combined Heat & Power gensets which will produce 300kWe of electricity. Additionally there is 42x 300W Solar PV panels which will supply a peak of 16kW.

Battery InvertersBatteriesHIgh Efficiency Boilers

In addition to the G-GEN™ gensets there are two 300kW ultra-low know NOx, ultra-high efficiency condensing boilers to assist with balancing the thermal demand and provide a contingency for scheduled energy centre maintenance work.

Solar & Battery Storage


The energy from the Solar PV will be captured by the G-STORE™ battery energy storage system and utilised for EV charging, peak demand and load balancing. The G-STORE™ battery energy storage system is made up of 36 premium lithium-iron phosphate (LFP) modular batteries which feature control and communication ports are being stacked using parallel interconnections to provide over 500kW of instant power for the site.