Published: 22 April 2020

The Energy Revolution™ – delivers critical power through pandemic…

GET Solutions have negotiated for their client The Holiday Inn Group to join an organisation called Process-19, which permits them to support our amazing NHS and keyworkers who are instrumental in the fight against this pandemic.

As the hotel chain provides accommodation for frontline staff through this critical time, they do so safely in the knowledge that the power delivered through GET Solutions’ ‘The Energy Revolution™’ is significantly reducing their energy costs and CO2 emissions.

The Coronavirus epidemic has decimated energy markets resulting in some of the lowest energy prices witnessed in recent times, however ‘The Energy Revolution™’ savings are guaranteed even against these unprecedented lower market prices, saving our client tens of thousands of pounds per site.

If you would like to find out more about The Energy Revolution ™ and how it can help your organisation please contact, or telephone 024 7630 8830.