Published: 26 March 2020

The Energy Revolution™ – lowers bills through Coronavirus…

As businesses grapple with the changes imposed through social distancing as an outcome of Coronavirus, a common theme prevails for most… a reduction in takings.

A shortage in footfall, is having an impact on businesses and whilst the Government is putting measures in place to cushion the blow from the virus, bills must be paid, and businesses are hemorrhaging money as a result.

But for businesses that have invested in The Energy Revolution™ technologies, they continue to make savings even during these testing times. Paul Hale Director of Energy Services for GET Generation explains…

“A lot of organisations, but especially those in the Hospitality and Leisure industries are feeling the crunch as they have been forced to close due to social distancing. Occupancy and footfall levels have dropped through the floor, but despite no takings, their buildings are still consuming heat and power as many of these buildings can’t simply be switched off. This consumption is classed as a base load and can be a significant cost to their business when they are not operating”.

Paul continued “Energy Revolution™ customers are in the same boat, they’re not making money. However, they are in a stronger position as their energy costs remain lower. It’s true their consumption and energy costs may have dropped with occupancy levels, but their Energy Revolution savings (which are guaranteed) continue even at the lower consumption levels”.

If you would like to find out more about The Energy Revolution ™ and how it can help your organisation please contact, or telephone 024 7630 8830.