Energy Centre takes shape.
The Energy Revolution™ energy centre at a UK theme park is taking shape and work is progressing on time and in line with the project plan. The equipment consisting of 6 interconnected 50kW G-GEN™ combined heat and power (CHP) engines, 6 control units and 6 buffer tanks have been delivered, and are being installed.
In addition to the main equipment, there is a multitude of auxiliary pieces of equipment required to make the energy centre operative including hundreds of metres of stainless steel tubing, conduits, cabling, lighting as well as further civil works for burying utility network equipment.
The equipment is housed within the energy centre building which provides security and protection for the equipment for the next 15 years and beyond. This energy centre project consists of on-site power generation, a small district heating system and electric vehicle charging stations across the site which are powered by 6 interconnected 50kW G-GEN™ engines.