Published: 14 February 2022

1,500kW Combined Heat & Power Engine

Sneak preview of our latest 1.5 Megawatt CHP.

Our latest engine is a Type 4 from the world renown manufacturers of CHPs: Jenbacher and will soon be delivered to site. Once installed, tested & commissioned this highly efficient genset will provide a staggering 1.5MWh of energy and up to 1.8MWths of heat.

Offering superior efficiency from an innovative engine concept, the genset features excellent emission control and waste gas-to-energy capabilities, plus high power density and outstanding efficiency in it’s power range.

The CHP will replace a large proportion of the clients grid energy, providing them with a stable supply and protection from volatile energy markets whilst significantly lowering their CO2 emissions.

To find out more email: or contact us on the number below.