Published: 7 July 2021

Coventry Business GET Electric Vehicle Charging

Coventry business, GET Solutions has installed their first electric vehicle charger (EVC) at their UK group head office. The EVC is live and available for staff and visitors to charge their vehicles whilst at the office. Managed via a downloadable app, this fast three phase charger is easy to use and suits all industry type 1 and type 2 electric vehicles.

The Energy Revolution™ electric chargers ‘G-EVC’ can be purchased outright, or they are available on a funded basis which is proving extremely popular with businesses as there is no outlay for them to install the equipment, which assists their organisational sustainability targets.

The number of electric vehicles is set to rapidly increase on UK roads as manufacturers shift their emphasis to the production of non-combustion engines, but the adoption of destination charging, such as workplace, or leisure venue charging is some way behind, so there is an opportunity for businesses to attract this increasing number of electric drivers.

The Energy Revolution™ provides a Free survey service and funding options for EVC’s. If your circumstances qualify, you could have your charging infrastructure fitted at no cost.

If your organisation requires further information, is planning a switch to EV’s or is wanting to source electric vehicle chargers, please contact us on the details provide below.