Published: 14 January 2022

Happy Energy Revolution Birthday – Holiday Inn Coventry!

Our G-GEN™ CHP Engine at Holiday Inn – Coventry Celebrates its First Birthday!

Over the year this hotel’s two 50kW G-GEN™ CHPs have generated some of the best results, saving the hotel over £40,000 in their first year.

Each installed G-GEN™ CHP engine has a pre-determined annual target based upon hotel consumption and occupancy levels. In Coventry’s case, The two 50kW engines have produced a staggering 708,000kWhs of electricity and over 1,429,000 kWths of heat reducing the hotels dependency on the mains national grid by an enormous 89%. Additionally the two G-GEN™ engines have reduced the hotels carbon emissions by over 240,186 Kgs in their first year of operation, helping the hotel achieve their sustainability targets.

G-Box50These figures demonstrate the benefit of the G-GEN™ CHP’s and prove that the more power you consume, the more you save and the greener you become!

To find out more email: or contact us on the number below.