far infrared heating, it’s efficient and works like the sun!


Far infrared works by heating people, thermal mass, inanimate objects and the ambient air temperature, instead of heating just the air. The heat is not lost through any open apertures and works extremely well in poorly insulated areas, large open areas or draughty rooms as it us unaffected by natural convection currents, which traditional heating relies upon.

Far infrared uses the same unique warming properties as the sun (radiation), but without any harmful effects.  As far infrared waves touch surfaces in a room, heat energy is released and so the ceiling, walls and objects are gently heated (known as thermal mass).

The Human Effect

Because the room and contents are warm, the room no longer absorbs our body heat and so we feel warm. We naturally respond to this form of heat and is what we feel in front of an open fire or when the sun is on our faces.

As our bodies are 80% water, the long wave form acts very effectively on us and have proven health benefits including improving blood circulation, aids arthritis symptoms and it is even used in physiotherapy.

The Far Infrared Effect

The purpose of heating is to provide comfort and Far Infrared is the most efficient method of raising the thermal mass to a comfortable level, which we naturally feel comfortable from 17oC.

More importantly, once a room has warmed (achieved thermal mass), the room and it’s contents become an all-round radiator, re-emitting the absorbed heat, which means the Far Infrared heating gears back for short ‘top-ups’ to maintain the comfort level.

This constant and efficient transfer of heat energy is not only very energy efficient with all the electrical power being converted to heat, but it also reduces moisture levels preventing condensation, damp forms or mould.


Far Infrared panel heaters are extremely versatile. They are modern, stylish, easy to install, can be fixed to walls, ceilings or outdoor areas, and can be controlled by smart phones, apps or building management systems.

    Quick Stats


    Time for G-FIR™?
    Far Infrared Heating

    Here’s what we’ll need to do

    Energy profile analysis – Analyse your energy data

    Property analysis – Suitability check

    Property – Specific economic viability study

    Design order

    Detailed design and planning

    Preparation of a binding offer

    Conclusion of the contract

    Installation and commissioning