revolutionise your energy procurement

“I want something other than fixed rate contracts, but I don’t have the time or knowledge to make procurement decisions”

How it works

1. Agree a price for everything apart from the commodity (Gas & Electric).

2. Let our procurement experts buy your commodity on your behalf as part
of a group (basket) purchase.

Energy Basket Benefits

Access to flex gas and electricity contracts and wholesale markets which are traditionally aimed at larger end users and currently not available to you.

Being part of a larger group provides reduced costs, preferred service level agreements (SLAs) and access to better support/services

Key Features

• Energy price advantages,

• Better service level agreements,

• Key support & service,

• Expert dealing with procurement,

• Part of a large group

• Greater buying power

• Reduced costs

Why the Energy Basket

We offer an expert, professional & dedicated service with over 200 years
of combined energy procurement experience.
We have over 20,000 customers and service in excess of 40,000+ meter points.

We have over 2TWh+ (terawatts) of buying power

    Quick Stats

    Time a better deal?
    Join our Purchasing Power

    Here’s what we’ll need to do

    Receive your completed LOA

    Obtain your recent copy utility bills

    Acquire energy data from suppliers

    Energy profile analysis – Analyse your energy data

    Create & deliver an energy basket proposal

    Preparation of a supply contract offer

    Conclusion of the contract

    Monthly market, procurement & commodity updates