Published: 31 March 2022

The Energy Revolution™ New Mains Gas Installation

A dedicated new gas mains pipe has been installed to supply natural gas to 1.5 megawatt Energy Revolution™ combined heat and power engine at a UK mill.
A channel in the ground was excavated to avoid existing utilities to allow the underground gas pipe to be installed and connected to the gas mains.



Gas Mains Incoming

With the mains gas pipe located, digging could commence, and on a sunny Sunday, the new gas pipe was cut to size and laid into the channel in readiness for connection to the mains, testing, and backfilling of the trench the following week.


Very basically a Chp is an electricity generator, as it generates power, it produces heat which is a natural by-product of the generation process. This electricity is fed directly into an organisations property whilst the heat is harnessed within their wet hot water systems, or conversely by way of an absorption chiller utilised within refrigeration or air conditioning systems.

In comparison with grid energy (inc nuclear, hydro, wind and solar) which is up to 66% inefficient due to losses in generation, transmission and distribution, cogeneration Chp’s are located on-site, so these losses are virtually non-existent and G-GEN™ Chp’s run with approximately 99% efficiency.



The UK is producing ‘Green Gas’ or biomethane gas on an industrial scale and it is now an available option with new contracts from energy suppliers. Produced from “fresh” organic matter from landfills or biogas plants through anaerobic digestion, Green Gas is added to the existing natural gas network. Running a Chp on Green Gas produces zero-carbon power, equally as good as solar, but more consistently, more reliably and generates more power per square inch.