Published: 3 September 2019

What does the Underground & G-GEN™ have in common?

A journey on London’s Underground can feel like an exercise in endurance. You will probably be able to recall an uncomfortable commute, being crammed into metal carriages, deep beneath the surface. So, a move by Islington Council to reduce this heat will be greatly appreciated by many. Waste heat from the London underground will be used to heat 1350 homes in London by the end of the year.

So where does the heat come from?

80% of the heat is generated by humans, from the constant braking and accelerating of trains, poor ventilation, the depth of the lines and the surrounding clay.

What are the benefits of using waste heat?

Continuously rising energy prices and the need to reduce CO2 emissions were the main drivers for Islington Council as they committed to channelling waste heat from the Northern Line.

The project will provide cheaper and greener heat to buildings in the area, of which many are council housing or leisure centres. The scheme is run in conjunction with Ramboll and Transport for London. “We believe that the use of large-scale heat in this way connected to urban district heating systems will play a major part in decarbonising the UK’s heating energy demand”, says Lucy Padfield, Director of district heating at Ramboll.

Waste heat in action…

Utilising waste heat is key to reducing energy costs and lowering CO2 emissions and this is exactly what our G-GEN™ units do.

The by-product from the electricity generation process within our G-GEN™ units is free heat. And rather than venting this heat, the clever G-GEN™ units capture and re-use within clients wet or refrigeration systems to provide further considerable energy, carbon and fiscal savings.

Furthermore, by generating electricity locally, your organisation is shielded from fluctuating markets and actively reducing demand on the already stressed UK infrastructure.

G-GEN™ range from small plug-and-play units to multiple megawatt plants, so if you are looking to reduce carbon emissions, energy costs or achieve some independence from the National Grid, please contact us on 024 76630 8830 or email @