Published: 12 January 2021

Happy Energy Revolution Birthday – Holiday Inn High Wycombe

Our G-GEN™ CHP Engine at Holiday Inn – High Wycombe celebrates its first birthday!

Over the year this hotel’s 50kW G-GEN™ has generated some excellent results for the hotel and has saved them over £26,000 in total.

Each installed G-GEN™ CHP engine has a pre-determined annual target based upon hotel consumption and occupancy levels. In High Wycombe’s case, the 50kW engine has smashed the electrical target with nearly 400,000 kWh’s of power. Furthermore, the heat production has also smashed its annual target generating over 650,000 kWh’s of heat, which brings the combined energy generated on-site to over 1,000,000 kWh’s in its first year.

The Holiday Inn at High Wycombe has reduced its carbon emissions by an impressive 20,000 tonnes making it one of the greenest Holiday Inns in the country.

These figures demonstrate the benefit of the G-GEN™ CHP’s and prove that the more power you consume, the more you save and the greener you become!

To find out more email: or contact us on the number below.