Published: 16 April 2021

The Energy Revolution™ – Powers Luxury Accommodation

Accommodation Groundworks Commence at UK Theme Park

Groundworks for the luxury accommodation has commenced and are progressing at speed as part of a major development program at a leading UK theme park. Powered by Energy Revolution™ equipment, the site will be largely independent of the mains grid network as it generates its own power on-site. This will provide the theme park budget certainty over fluctuating energy prices and will also contribute to the site vastly reducing its carbon emissions, making it a greener visitor destination.

This summer, visitors will be able to enjoy the theme park during the day and relax in the luxurious accommodation which will be readily supplied with an abundance of free hot water and underfloor heating that has been created as a by-product of the on-site generation of electricity, powering the staycation units, the park and also charging electric vehicles.

A small district heat and micro-energy network will be installed connecting all 66 staycation units to the Energy Revolution™ Energy Centre and the site’s reception and mini-supermarket. Generating power off-grid is up to 65% more efficient than using traditional or renewable energy supplied through the mains network as the power/heat is used at source, therefore eliminating any transportation element.